
Books by an International Lawyer& Lecturer Turned Author

A Lifetime of Writing Variety of Genres Get in Touch

Author With a Background in Foreign Consuls & History of Scandinavian Jews

My name is Cami Green Hofstadter and I’m a lecturer and life-long author in a great variety of genres ranging from the academic (such as the role of the foreign consuls throughout our communities; and the history of Jewish-Scandinavians during WWII) to the human interest area and other inspiring topics (such as my unfolding awareness as a Swedish-speaking Protestant in Helsinki, Finland, who settled in Miami where I found my home in Jewish culture and traditions.)

A European and U.S.-educated lawyer, with a PhD in Educational Leadership, I’m retired from a career as a law school administrator and adjunct professor, while also serving as a foreign consul for many years.

The archives of History Miami, in its permanent My Story collections, is now the home for my piece on how I integrated my consular role with administering a graduate program for lawyers and judges from around the world at the University of Miami School of Law. My detailed, documented experience is accessible through this link:  https://historymiami.org/cami-hofstadter/

The best preparation any person gets is the life she’s led. While I grew up in war-torn Helsinki, Finland, my beloved America is where life truly began for me. As a wife and mother, I list among my past and current interests, tennis and golf, and ballroom dancing. A plethora of cultural offerings in South Florida adds yet another dimension to my life, which is also (at least pre-pandemic) interspersed with cruising to other parts of the world.

Cami Green Hofstadter

Today, I continue to lecture and write primarily in the two areas of interest shown by my most recent books:

The Yellow Star that Wasn’t: Scandinavia, Miami, and Me (an Amazon Bestseller in four categories) is a historical memoir about what happened to the Jews in Scandinavia during WWII, available in paperback and e-format (Kindle and Nook).

The Foreign Consuls Among Us

Local Bridges to Globalism is a guide to the consular institution that targets all civic, business, and educational leaders who interact with the foreign consuls functioning throughout communities in the United States. Click the link for more information.

News in a Capsule

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Email me at cami@chofstadter.com