Digital diplomacy

Diplomatic terms come in many shapes and in many contexts. I love it when I run into something new and unusual, like the recent digital diplomacy. And how about the “ambassador ladies” I just encountered on name-tags of people greeting me at a foreign port of call? The last one may be easy to guess (think travels and …., goodwill ambassadors), but what’s with the digital diplomacy?

My favorite definition of it is eDiplomacy, which obviously comes with a vision of something on the internet for diplomatic goals. As it turns out, many scholarly articles have been written on the subject; – who would ever have thunk that?

Meanwhile, I continue to obsessively make a note of all terms “diplomatic.” In my book I mainly touch on goodwill ambassadors but, rest assured, the 2nd edition will contain some of the others I run across (or readers forward to me).

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