Let’s talk Consuls.

Many readers have asked about a blog, so here it is! I’ll be talking about what it means to be a foreign consul (or is it perhaps “c-o-uns-e-l”?) and share my experience with dealing with these officials in all kinds of settings. While my book has a Q&A section from real-live scenarios, I have many more to share and also encourage you to ask your questions and/or share your experiences for the benefit of everyone.

The blog will be useful for anyone dealing with the foreign consuls they are likely to encounter at some point in their professional or social life. While this topic has been near and dear to my heart since the 80s, it culminated in my recently-released book, The Foreign Consuls Among Us: A Guide to Citizen Diplomacy (www.seagreenpress.com April 2013).

Remember, we’re all players in the world of Soft Diplomacy.

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