Cultural faux pas in business and diplomacy

Cultural faux pas in business and diplomacy

Cultural faux pas (social blunders involving people of different cultural backgrounds) happen with consuls and diplomats, just like in any cross-cultural situations. Most of the time they are inadvertent, such as when we don’t know that a particular form of address or gesture is offensive to the foreign consuls among us.

This then raises the question about American businesses seeking to expand into a country represented by one of the local consuls in Anytown, USA: will it help corporate officials to understand the background of the foreign consuls before making contact with them? You betcha, it will!

When a business executive approaches the official representative of another country, calling him “council” or – maybe worse – assumes a female consul is a “consulate” (sounding like consulette), the foundation for a fruitful dialogue between two business interests is already weak. Knowing titles and terms only makes good business sense!
